Fluent Strings
Powerful set of utilities for any kind of string transformations with fluent interface.
Fluent Strings can be downloaded either through NuGet package or as a zip archive
Let the code speak for itself.
Insert operations
Something simple at the beginning:
string transformed = "<-- some string will be inserted here".Insert("I am inserted!");
transformed.Should().Be("I am inserted!<-- some string will be inserted here");
Let's change the position:
string transformed = "Some string will be inserted here -->".Insert("I am inserted!").To(The.End);
transformed.Should().Be("Some string will be inserted here -->I am inserted!");
And simply put something at the position we want:
string transformed = "Start of the sentence <-- some string will be inserted here".Insert("I am inserted!").At(22);
transformed.Should().Be("Start of the sentence I am inserted!<-- some string will be inserted here");
Mixing up with markers:
string transformed = "MARKER, another maRKer and... marker <-- some string will be inserted here"
.Insert("I am inserted!").After("marker ");
transformed.Should().Be("MARKER, another maRKer and... marker I am inserted!<-- some string will be inserted here");
Even ignoring case:
string transformed = "Marker1, another maRKer2 and... marker <-- some string will be inserted here"
.Insert("I am inserted").After("MARKER ").IgnoringCase();
transformed.Should().Be("Marker1, another maRKer2 and... marker I am inserted<-- some string will be inserted here");
And applying all the power:
string t = "Some string will be inserted before this second 'some' word, but not before this 'some'"
.Insert("I am inserted! ").Before(2, "some").IgnoringCase().From(The.Beginning);
t.Should().Be("Some string will be inserted before this second 'I am inserted! some' word, but not before this 'some'");
Remove operations
Eliminating totally:
string transformed = "Some string".Remove();
Or part...
string transformed = "THIS part of string will be removed".Remove("THIS");
transformed.Should().Be(" part of string will be removed");
...by part:
string transformed = "THIS <- this string will be left, but this will be removed -> THIS".Remove("THIS").From(The.End);
transformed.Should().Be("THIS <- this string will be left, but this will be removed -> ");
By counting markers:
string transformed = "String will be removed ->TEST and this will be removed also ->TEST, except this ->TEST"
.Remove(2, "TEST");
transformed.Should().Be("String will be removed -> and this will be removed also ->, except this ->TEST");
Or all of them at once:
string transformed = "TEST string will be removed from both sides TEST".RemoveAll("tESt").IgnoringCase();
transformed.Should().Be(" string will be removed from both sides ");
Starting some position:
string transformed = "Some very long string".Remove().Starting(position: 7).From(The.End);
transformed.Should().Be(" string");
Or to some marker:
string transformed = "Some very VERY long string with very VERY long string at the end".Remove()
.To(The.EndOf, 3, of: "vERy").IgnoringCase().From(The.End);
transformed.Should().Be(" long string with very VERY long string at the end");
And starting to some positions:
string transformed = "Some very long string".Remove().Starting(position: 9).To(position: 0);
transformed.Should().Be("Slong string");
Remove operations for chars
Creating cool effects:
string transformed = "Vowels will be removed from this string".RemoveVowels();
transformed.Should().Be("Vwls wll b rmvd frm ths strng");
For different culture as well:
string transformed = "Очень длинная строка с русскими буквами, ё".RemoveVowels().For("ru");
transformed.Should().Be("чнь длнн стрк с рсскм бквм, ");
Or by specifying chars explicitly:
string transformed = "Some very long string".RemoveChars('e', 'L', 'G').IgnoringCase();
transformed.Should().Be("Som vry on strin");
Replace operations
Just replacing all for now:
string transformed = "Some vERy long string".ReplaceAll("VerY").With("not very").IgnoringCase();
transformed.Should().Be("Some not very long string");
Truncate operations
Just playing around:
string transformed = "Some very long string".TruncateTo(9);
transformed.Should().Be("Some very");
transformed = "Some very long string".TruncateTo(11).From(The.End);
transformed.Should().Be("long string");
And doing ellipsis:
string transformed = "Some very long string".TruncateTo(12).WithEllipsis();
transformed.Should().Be("Some very...");
Utility operations
Better approach for well known:
bool isEmpty = "".IsEmpty();
Even for null
string sample = null;
bool isEmpty = sample.IsEmpty();
And continuing for white spaces:
bool isEmptyOrWhiteSpace = " ".IsEmpty().OrWhiteSpace();
Extending the basics:
var indexes = "marker with another text marker and another text marker marker".IndexesOf("marker");
indexes.Should().ContainInOrder(0, 25, 49, 56);
Breaking restrictions:
var indexes = "Some text MARKER another text MarKer marker".IndexesOf("mArkEr").IgnoringCase();
indexes.Should().ContainInOrder(10, 30, 37);
And plainly reverse the order:
var indexes = "marker with another text marker and another text marker marker".IndexesOf("marker").From(The.End);
indexes.Should().ContainInOrder(56, 49, 25, 0);
More examples could be found in test classes
Many thanks to Fluent Assertions for making my testing experience awesome.